Friday, December 28, 2012

On the Way!

The past few days have been a crazy blur.
Christmas came and went, and I suddenly realized that I would be going to Taiwan in less than five days.
A couple of weeks ago, I went through all of my clothes and thought I did a good job of sorting them into piles of keep, pack, and donate, but when it finally came time to pack I realized that I have a TON of clothes.
It's ridiculous, really.
I truly believe that I have enough clothes to clothe a small nation.
Luckily, I had my best friend, Dayna, to help me sort and resort and pack and repack. I don't know what I would've done without her.
Dayna and I went to Taiwan together last year, so she had an idea of what I am getting myself into weather-wise. I could not have packed without her, of that I am certain.
(If my verb tenses in this blog seem weird, I apologize. I'm writing this in the Minneapolis airport terminal while waiting for my flight to Chicago.)
When I found out that I would be flying out of Minneapolis at 7:40am, my parents and I decided that we should rent a hotel room so we wouldn't have to drive in the middle of the night.
It was really nice being able to stay at the hotel because we could order Papa John's (that's right, that was my last "American" meal) and Jill (my good friend from college) came to hang out and catch up.
We got some free drink tickets from the front desk because I "have balls!" for going to live overseas (haha!) and enjoyed them while playing bingo (because apparently that's the thing to do at the Eagan Green Mill)
I stayed up all night so that I'm more on the Taiwan time zone (they are 14 hours ahead of Wisconsin) and we left for the airport at 4am...And now, here I sit, waiting for my flight to Chicago. I'm proud of myself for two things so far:
1. Both of my checked bags were exactly 50lbs (the weight limit is 50lbs!)
2. I made it through security without my bags or me being stopped! Hopefully, I'll make it through Tokyo too! :)

I've been remembering this passage as I go through this adventure:
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."  -Joshua 1:9

To Taiwan!

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