Saturday, August 6, 2011


It's kind of a ridiculous thought, but I'm real campsick. 
I know it is silly that I miss something that I'm only involved in for seven weeks, but it's true. 
Here I am in this amazing city, in this awesome country, yet I still keep thinking about 
Boy Scout camp. 
I think what makes it hardest is that I know people are still there having a hoot, and I'm here.
Maybe I'm just frustrated.
You see, I'm used to getting no sleep, walking around all day, and having no a/c, so Taiwan actually isn't a stretch for me, but a lot of the other people on the trip are having a rough time. (rightfully so too.) 
I think it will be better when I know no one is at camp, and I'm still here having a great time. 
Today was crazy.
This morning we galavanted through Taipei in order to go to brunch with some directors/deans of Shih Hsin. 
It was quite the adventure. 
We took the MRT (subway) for the first time, and it was way legit. You can't eat, drink or chew gum in the station or on the train, so everything is uber clean.
The brunch we went to was at a western restaurant, so I had a waffle...'cept it was crazy and had ice cream and no maple syrup or butter...weird. 
At the brunch, I found out that the theme for the advanced classes will be facebook/blogging. Isn't that neat? That's pretty neat!
After brunch, I found out how terrifying it is to try to buy things in a country that doesn't speak your language. Everything is speedy here, so when I am fumbling between coins and bills and stuffing my things into my bag, I feel completely ridiculous.
Definitely a learning experience. 
Tonight, a group of girls (including me, of course) went out shopping again to pick up extra stuff we couldn't find the first time, but this time we had a secret weapon. My good friend, Frieda, came with us. It's so much nicer when you have a translator! 
We went to a Chinese "buffet" for supper which was...interesting. There were many mysterious dishes, and almost all of the food was cold. Have to try everything once though, right?! 
I have been telling people my goals for this trip for a long time, but I think I should write them down so I actually do them...

-eat stinky tofu.
-find something made in America (I saw two Fords today...almost counts, right?) 
-buy/take pictures of bad English (look forward to an entire album dedicated to this. Hilarious.)
-get a Chinese Justin Bieber shirt.
-learn some Chinese (I already know "thank you" "second floor" "I'm an American" and "My name is Lauren"!)

With love from Taiwan,
p.s. Last night, I found out that I will be teaching an "advanced" class.
Not too big of a deal, I (and two other girls) will just have a different curriculum
 (more writing intensive).
waiting for the elevator at the dorm I'm staying in
(yes, I am that lazy.)


  1. Lauren! This is so fabulous! I hope that you continue to enjoy this learning experience of all the differences, it will be quite the adventure! Can't wait to read more about your trip! :) ...and I really can't wait to see the examples of bad English...but please add "finding a beaver" to your goals. Thank you :)

  2. Do not - DO NOT - eat stinky tofu. I don't trust that stuff. Why not? They let it rot before cooking/serving it. But, if I can't change your mind, and stinky tofu in Taiwan is anything like stinky tofu in China, you won't have any trouble finding it. You should be able to smell it from a block and a half away.

    Enjoy the sights; enjoy the times. You are in a totally different and interesting part of the world. Have fun with it. And try the squid. It's excellent. -Ole
