Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sometime Girl Penguin Tired

I think my lack of sleep has finally caught up with me. 
I'm exhausted.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still loving it, but I'm just tired.
We seriously never stop moving. Tonight, I decided to stay in the dorm, and it was SO strange. 
And wonderful.
And quiet.
You see, I'm a country girl even if I don't want to be at times, and sometimes I just need to be alone.
So I listened to some Justin Vernon, ate oreos and decorated cards.
Unfortunately, going to bed before midnight seems to be impossible, so I decided I should catch up the viewers at home.
If you haven't been paying attention, this is my last week in Taiwan.
On Sunday I will time travel.
I'm definitely not looking forward to leaving or the plane ride although it will be nice to be normal.
I won't need someone to translate if I want to print pictures.
I won't need to sleep in a dorm room.
I won't be sweating like a 700 pound woman in a sauna.
Maybe if I was living here, It would be easier. I think because I'm only here for three weeks, I am trying to cram everything possible in and there's just not time. 
Speaking of not time, English Summer Camp is almost done :( 
I am going to miss my class so sheepin much. They are amazing. 
On Thursday, they have to perform a skit they created for a 200+ crowd, and they've taken on the task without batting an eye. 
And the skit is good.
It's damn good!
I'm really proud of them and their creativity. I can't wait to watch them perform onstage!
Today in class we did a debate portion, and every single stereotype I've had about Asians being quiet was broken. 
We did an activity where I would say _______ or _______ while pointing to a side of the room, and the students would pick which side they preferred (ex: light or dark, sandals or sneakers, guitars or pianos). When we got an even split, they would pair up and debate in order to persuade their partners to join their side.
There was screaming.
And the funniest part was that one of the quietest students in my class was the one yelling the loudest. 
Like, REALLY loud. 
People in the classroom a floor down could hear us.
I'm so proud! 
In the world of food... Yesterday, a group of us went to a thing called a hot pot. It's sort of like fondue except you use broth or soy sauce. SO TASTY! 
We ate like royalty. 
It was at quite a fancy joint, and we could even buy mixed drinks! Except they didn't taste like there was any alcohol in them...
That's definitely something I miss.
No, I'm not an alcoholic, but I do appreciate a good mixed drink once in a while, and it seems like they don't really exist here.
You can drink tea until you turn blue in the face, but try to find a margarita and you'll be stumped.
Add that to the homecoming meal menu, mom! :)
If you haven't noticed, there are no pictures in this post...Sorry!
I kind of sort of haven't charged my camera since Hualien, so I haven't taken any pictures.
Tomorrow is my last day of class, but it's also prom! Yes, that's right, we're hosting a prom for the camp! It's gon' be a hoot and a half! 
With love from Taiwan,
 I can't let you forget what I look like!

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