Monday, August 29, 2011

Country Road, Take Me Home...

It's a different kind of pretty :)
Well, the plane ride was a doozy, but I slept through most of it and made it home. 
I feel like an emotional wreck.
Every time I start thinking about Taiwan I miss it so much and wish I was there. I just felt like I was doing the right thing, what God wants me to do, but now my responsibilities have to pull me back to where I don't really want to be.
Now, don't get me wrong, I missed my family and friends and some American foods. But when I'm here, I feel like I'm just floating along waiting for the next big thing to happen, and when I was there, I was living life like it should be lived. 
I have to go back. 
After graduation, I plan on going into mission work (either Maryknoll Missioners or Franciscan Mission Service) and serving in that sense for two years, but I wish I could just go back to Taiwan! 
I think I might feel this way because it's the only place I've been to that has helped me grow so much... I don't know. We'll see where the good Lord leads me. 
I've only been home for a little while, but it already seems weird.
Where are the squatting toilets? street dogs? chopsticks? Chinese signs? busses? and, most importantly, the Asians?! 
One thing I'm enjoying since being home is the food!
American much? 

Oh, cheese curds, how I've missed you!
Last night, I went to the Rutabaga Festival in Cumberland and had a KC pepper burger, cheese curds and a Mountain Dew. So tasty!
Doesn't really measure up to the night markets! 
I loved Taiwanese food, but I have been jonesin' for dairy products and mountain dew for a while. 
I don't know when I'll blog until I find something to talk about...
with love from Taiw America,
Mini Donuts, jet lag and a sweater... must be in America.

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